Mari Robeson

Sanctuary in Pink - Resin Art Plaque


Image of Sanctuary in Pink - Resin Art Plaque Image of Sanctuary in Pink - Resin Art Plaque Image of Sanctuary in Pink - Resin Art Plaque

Part of the Illuminate Series. Our Home is our Sanctuary where we recharge. This piece of art reminds us that filling your home with fresh flowers, bold and inviting colors, and textiles from around the world, create a warm and sophisticated environment that uplifts our souls and raises our vibration.

This is a reproduction of the original painting printed on museum quality canvas. The canvas is then applied to an "6 x "6 wood plaque with a resin glaze. Limited quantity available.

Embellished with glitter and crystals.
This design is also available as a print.
Copyright 2019 © Mari Robeson